Alfred Evert 2011-05-05

08.21. Summary

Sciences and Technology
Our sense organs grasp only a small spectrum of the environment. The nervous system can handle only a small selection of data. The subconscious sorts out momentary not relevant information. The awareness can focus only one subject at one moment. So everyone acts only by impressions of selected snapshots. At the other hand, the brain is bothered by restless monologues in order to explain itself, how where why what´s going on.

General findings are achieved if common characteristics are drawn off manyfold cases. These are descirbed by abstract terms and if possible are fixed by clear formula. Just this act of abstraction is the job of sciences. The application of increased knowledge resulted the high standard of todays technology, economy and civilization.

However many sciences forced up the abstractions and combinations of used terms beyond common sense. Nevertheless numberless physical ´phenomena´ still are remaining, working totally contrary to valid rules. Sciences also like to ignore many ´inconvenient´ questions. Merely one scientific term is definitely defined. Still the scientific findings can only explain how an appearance is working, however not why it functions that kind.

The poor quality of scientific work became obvious by indisputable result of real techniques: converting that beautiful blue planet into a toxic garbage dump. Obviously the main-stream sciences and corresponding world-view show grave errors respective are completely unsuitable for life at earth. New starting ideas must be found urgently.

Essential Restart
Sciences are searching for ´universal formula´. However at many cultures it´s already well known: all is one. For me, that wisdom got disclosed e.g. by these considerations:

No ´colors´ really exist. Only some electromagnetic waves produce that illusion. Many appearances are called ´physical fields´. However these are only fictive terms for description of abstract models or ideas. The appearances by themselves show real effects, thus they must have an absolute real basis. For example, often used is the abstract term of ´energy´. One shape of energy can be transferred into an other. The affects all times are just real. Thus all shapes of energy must have a common real base. Just that background of all real being must be identified.

Modern sciences with their formal abstractions got too far ´over the top´ and thus no longer can really describe reality. Certainly we are bound to narrow horizons and won´t be able to recognize the absolute truth (if existing anyway). Nevertheless we should try to produce a most true picture of reality, as far as our mental-spiritual facilities can achieve. Finally based on a fairly correct world-view, mankind could behave somehow suitable for the environment. Only when starting from a solid bases, the sciences could achieve adequate knowledge. Only if technologies are corresponding to the demands and possibilities of that real background, methods can be effective and suitable for nature.

Only two Axioms
Scientific work should start with listing and exact definition of all involved conditions. Mostly however, many parameters are taken for granted or researchers just do not take in account, how many prerequisites they ´naturally´ assume in addition. So modern sciences got far off Wilhelm von Ockham´s (1285 - 1347) theorem. That principle was (in modern words) ´a hypothesis should be based on minimum assumptions necessary for sufficient description of facts researched´.

So a theory should work with most few prerequisites. The result can only be valuable, if based on axioms absolutely indisputable. For a new and better start, thus one must query also ´known and proven´ positions. If now one eliminates all questionable stuff, for me only two facts remain unquestionable true: there is ´something´ and there exists ´motion´. If now one will not escape into casual abstraction, one must state: real motion inevitably demands a real something. So here is assumed a real ´something in motion´.

Only one Something
Now question comes up: ´how many kinds of somethings´ are necessary. According to Ockham´s principle, again a minimum should be sufficient, thus one unique something. So I assume that ´One´ is a just real material matter. Above this, it´s the unique existing substance of whole universe - and besides that no other ´materia´ is existing. Also the further properties are minimalistic respective unique: that substance is only one single part. It´s a homogenous and gapless unit. It´s not elastic and thus everywhere of likely density.

Occasionally that status is called a continuum or a plasma. At different cultures diverse names are used for that ONE, e.g. Brahna or Chi. I use the old term ´Aether´ for that substance. Opposite to common and simplistic use of words, ´my´ aether is well defined by previous mentioned properties.

Many Motion-Pattern
Everything exists of the same aether-substance - however numberless possibilities for internal movements are existing. For example, previous diverse kind of ´energies´ are expression of different movements of aether within the aether. Previous ´photons´ are motion pattern running forward through the aether. Electrons are closed motion-loops of aether within aether, resting at its place or wandering forward. Atoms are pattern more complex, organized in shape of spheres, existing exclusive by aether and ´swimming´ within the aether. Huge assemblies of atoms e.g. represent the earth. These numberless motion-pattern of aether are drifting within the aether-whirlpool of ecliptic around the sun. That star again is ´made´ of same aether, however with hectic motions of differing kind. So only the momentary motion pattern results the appearance, the aether of a location actually represents.

In summery, only one unique substance is existing, allowing infinite number of internal motions. These are running by different pattern and thus can build units of manifold appearances. These can result the illusion of material particles or can represent energy, fields, forces, interactions and other physical phenomena.

One overall Medium
So only by different motions of the ´One´ comes up the great variety of ´All´. It´s quite easy, nevertheless hard to except, oneself does not exist by ´solid particles´, oneself does not even ´own´ a certain portion of aether, oneself is only a fleeting cluster of motions, drifting through the boundless spaces of that overall medium.

Even the motion-units show smooth transition to ambient aether, the atoms appear hard and can not penetrate mutually. Up to now, only these appearances were considered to be ´materially existing matter´. In contrary, the ´fine-material stuff´ was considered somehow abstract and thus not really existent. However both cases are based on the same ´matter´: just normal aether. Only some finer swinging motions represent such phenomena, one called mental-spiritual-emotional.

Opposite to ´hard´ motion-units of atoms, all kind of radiations can overlay within the aether. The fine-swinging pattern can overlay and penetrate in even wider range. These ´soft´ motion-pattern can be present within narrow or wide spaces, by differing intensity. So commonly called ´esoteric-spiritual spinning´, which might be located transcendental at nebulous abstract dimensions, thus is really manifested just like material-physical appearances: all occurs within the same medium, all is directly bound to everything, differing only by the shape of swinging motions.

For many readers this might seem alright, however same time not real - just because one finally abandoned the idea of ´light-aether´ hundred years ago. Before, one had naive-mechanical understanding, the light would demand a material medium, just like the sound. Light is faster than sound by millions (300000 km/s versus 300 m/s), so a light-aether should be corresponding denser. Resulting was a insoluble problem: how could a material body fly through that massive aether, e.g. like the earth around the sun by 30 km/s?

One was really glad when Einstein eliminate necessity of any aether - and one still does not notice his retraction of mature age. Today one discusses the subject of aether again - however previous problem still existed. Finally with the theorem of ´Aether-Physics and -Philosophy´ the problem got solved: no material particles wander through space, but only the motion-structures are forwarded within the aether.

That principle is comparable to the sound: also there the medium remains stationary in general, only a zone of compression and following depression (thus only the general motion pattern of the sound) wanders forward through the space. Because the transport-medium of sound exists by particles, the signals become spread and fading. That new ´light-aether´ is gapless and thus light-radiation keeps concentrated and shows constant strength through light-years.

Motion Pattern of Photon
Picture 08.21.02 left side at A shows the logo of my early books, designed for representing an ideal fluid movement. Many years later I registered finally, that´s the motion pattern of a photon running through the aether.

Whole universe is build by gapless aether. There are no aether-particles, one can name a certain location within the aether only by term ´aether-point´. Neighbouring aether-points here are called ´connecting-line´. At a light ray (at B upward), no photons are flying in shape of particles, but only a ´screw-like motion-pattern´ flits through the aether. The involved aether-points (red curve) at this track are swinging aside (towards left at C) and afterward come back to its original place immediately (towards right at D).

Like at sound-signals, here a motion to-and-fro is necessary, here however cross to direction of progression. In addition, that motion does not occur linear at one plane, but by a ´twisted´ round track (E). The neighbouring aether-points are swinging at a circle, however mutually shifted. For example, the aether-point at F starts its swinging motion. At G an aetherpoint did swing far outside (into the foreground of picture). At H an aether-point already finished its motion after one turn.

This process is repeated: at frontside (into direction of the light track, here upward) the aether-points start the swinging motion, one after the other, and short time later each one ends its turn. No aether did move far away, even the impression of forward-motion comes up. Only the structure of the motion pattern wanders through the space - resulting the illusion of light and colors.

Combined Swinging
At picture 08.21.03 at A some aether-points are marked black. If one aether-point is moving towards left, all neighbouring aether must move accordingly. Aether is a coherent substance (drawn red at B). One can mark some spots within as (aether-) ´points´ (black). However this is used only for description of internal movements (relative to a fictive system of coordinates). The distances (red lines) between such points must keep constant all times. All aether is coherent and has no separated particles. Thus there does not exist any variation of density. Thus all points of neighbouring aether must move parallel, at B momentary e.g. towards upside-right.

If one aether-point is moving at a circled track, all neighbouring aether-points must move synchronous, like schematic shown at C. Each aether-point moves around its own fulcrum. No aether-point is moving far distances but after short way comes back to its original place. By that sense, the aether is ´stationary´. All aether can do only that parallel swinging all times. Opposite, rotation exists only at level of ´material particles´, when their vortex-complexes are drifting around a common fulcrum (like e.g. at mechanical wheels or like planets rotate around stars).

At narrow or wide Tracks
All aether anywhere is swinging all times into all three directions of space, most rather chaotic at narrow track-sections, what´s called ´Free Aether´. Opposite however exists swinging movements with better order and at wider tracks, building local areas called ´Bounded Aether´. Such an increasing of motions is sketched at this picture at D: upside an aether-point is moving at narrow track, the neighbours further down are moving at each wider radius. The distances between the points at red connecting line still keep constant. Their motions as a whole are running at the mantle of a cone.

Each extension must have a corresponding reduction. A double-cone is sketched at E, where further down the swinging motions are reduced to the narrow size of ambient Free Aether. The motion-pattern of aether in general show most wide or intensive movements at the middle. That characteristic exists also at structure of potential vortices. This is just contrary to common ´particle-technology´ with their prevailing rigid vortices of mechanic wheels.

Vortex-Core and -Disc
At this double-cone E a connecting line is drawn as spiral curve. Also at this line the distances between neighbours keep constant lengths all times. The aether-points are swinging synchronous, however shifted timewise - like upside was sketched as core of motion pattern of photons. However these drawings are not true to scale. I suggest these cones might be ten thousand times longer than wide: if the radius of central swinging would be one millimeter, the balancing areas towards Free Aether would probably by ten meter.

At this picture at F, that vortex-core with a spiral connecting line is drawn dark-blue. This double-cone can balance the motion intensity into axial direction. Parallel however, the aether aside must swing analogue respective also into horizontal plane the extension of motions must be reduced. That process here is marked by each smaller spirals. The balancing thus demands winded motions also at horizontal level. Thus even more aether-volume is involved at the equator-plane. I suggest the width of this light-blue disc might be ten to hundred times longer than its height. A photon is neither a particle nor a wave - but a motion-pattern in shape of a relative flat disc of swinging aether - and only that structure is forwarded within the aether.

Swinging Aether-Spheres
At picture 08.21.04 some black aether-points are drawn, which are stationary at N, Z and S. At the connecting-line between exists an aether-point A, swinging at a circled track and momentary positioned some left of dotted line of vertical axis. Also below of center Z the aether is swinging. The connecting-line to S is also moving at the mantle of a double-cone. An aether-point B momentary is positioned some right of vertical axis.

So that swinging is shifted by 180 degree. At position drawn here, momentary would be ´too much´ aether upside-left and ´too less´ below-left. For balancing the situation, left side at C ´some aether´ should swing down. Opposite, at right side at D some aether should be shifted upward. So at chronological process a rocking motion would be necessary.

However, within aether can not occur linear movements and no motion to-and-fro with temporary stand-still between. All aether all times does swinging motions. Here for example, the necessary balancing motion again is done by circled swinging, like sketched at this picture upside right. The dotted line marks the equatorial plane. At left side, the aether E momentary is positioned some below and corresponding at right side, the aether F is lifted little bit. Synchronous to previous swinging in axial direction (both red double-cones) an analogue swinging exists in the horizontal plane (here at areas of both green double-cones).

All around the equator all aether is swinging, shifted by 180 degree at each opposite side. The motion practically is running around the center like a wave. Below at this picture, two cross-sectional views of equatorial plane are sketched. Starting from the center are drawn radial connecting lines. Quite outside their aether-points practically are stationary. Between they are swinging at wider radius, where an aether-point B momentary is below 9-o´clock position and some later at H some upside of that position. The animation shows that swinging all around.

Also within the space between the N-S-axis and the equatorial plane, analogue swinging is running (a longitudinal cross-sectional view through the central axis is identical to that cross-sectional view through equator). As the aether shows likely density and is coherent everywhere, all motions into all directions must be balanced as a whole. This simple motion-pattern allows intensive swinging at relative wide and well ordered tracks within a sphere. All motions internally are balanced and towards outside all swinging is reduced, so smooth transition to Free Aether is guaranteed.

Electron und Hydrogen
This clear and simple motion-pattern builds a local and separated motion-unit. Multiple disturbances arrive from outside, so e.g. radiation momentary might dent the surface some inward. Involved connecting-lines are compressed into one direction - and inevitably must swing some wider cross to. So just that outside-pressure pushes that motion-unit into stabile shape.

Already the normal Free Aether with its chaotic narrow motions affects a general ´aether-pressure´, which will ´wear out´ other kind of motions - or just compress it into suitable shape of ordered tracks. Previous pattern obviously is an optimum and lasting motion-shape of the aether. This appearance is the very most one within whole universe. Its common name is ´electron´. Actually: it exists by just normal aether, it is only marked by the special internal motion. Like a photon, also an electron is no particle. Above this, no aether-ball is wandering through the space, but only that motion-structure is forwarded, each time to next aether-volume in front.

At picture 08.21.06 left side at A, the same motion-pattern is sketched. However, the internal swinging motions are differing somehow. The center of motions is not at the middle of the unit, but there is an area of wide swinging (upside) and one of less motion-intensity (below). This structure has a dominant pole, while the other is ´weak´. This ´pear-shaped´ motion-unit (light-green) commonly is called ´hydrogen´.

This 1-value atom H with the atomic mass 1 does not really fit into the periodic system of chemical elements, because atomic hydrogen is only a ´deformed´ electron. A completely symmetric and balanced unit comes up only by coupling of two H-atoms, building the ´molecular hydrogen´ H2. At the other hand the atomic (one-pole) hydrogen can ´dock´ at other atoms in optimum shape (see below). At stars and gas-planets, within gas-clouds of galaxies and of intergalactic spaces, the hydrogen is major part of all ´masses´ of universe. At the earth, hydrogen mostly exists via molecules and it´s the decisive element of life anyway.

By common understanding, an atom consists mainly of ´nothing´, only some elementary particles build a shell and a core. The necessary forces and involved prerequisites are not clear. It´s expected, Higg´s-Particles would guarantee the bond by any mysterious trick - however searches turned to be a failure. If today is talked about ´electron-clouds´, the ideas are likely vague. Nevertheless one knows many sub-elementary particles. However their life-times are extreme short and these ´Quarks´ are steady changing from one shape to an other one. So these appearances can be no ´material particles´. Realiter, the quantum-mechanists detected some ghostly track-sections of aether-movements within the vortex-structures of atoms.

The science of atom-structures like the diverse (or even contrary) quantum-theories are pure hypothetic attempts for explanations, which by sure can not describe adequate the reality. There are no protons and no neutrons and no sub-elementary ´particles´. Only if one assumes, this aether is a real and the only existing substance, based on its possibilities and necessities of internal movement, reasonable models of atomic appearances are achieved.

As sketched at picture 08.21.06 central at B, some of previous vortices (here represented by double-cones) are arranged concentric, building a sphere-shaped motion-unit. Two of these ´swinging spindles´ reach from north- to the south-pole. By view from outside top-down, this swinging L for example appears left-turning. The same turning-direction by view from outside bottom-up however appears as right-turning swinging motion R.

An atom has no ´electron-shells´. However the internal swinging results ´eyes´ at the sphere-shaped aura (green). An optimum structure exists, if ´spins´ are paired. Here for example four left-turning (red) and four right-turning (blue) spindles are drawn and their eyes are marked at the surface.

The eyes at surface respective the vortices within the sphere are spread most regular. At this picture right side at C, each one eye is drawn at north- and south-pole and two times three eyes practically build tetraeders between (each highlighted by one yellow triangle). Here simplistic are drawn only one left- and one right-turning spindle (L, red and R, blue) at one diagonal line. This example represents the motion-structure of an oxygen-atom (O, order-number 8, mass-number 16).

At the surface of a sphere can not exist quite equal spreading of spins, but inevitably come up areas with some left- respective with some right-turning motions. Picture 08.21.07 left side at A for example shows a C-atom (order number 6, mass-number 12). At north-pole three eyes build a left-turning red area. At south-pole exists a right-turning blue ´ridge´, cross to the upside one.

Between these area exist ´depressions´ with less swinging respective with balancing movements. At each end of previous ridges are four areas, where e.g. these hydrogen-atoms can hide. The docking-areas here are marked as grey faces H. As a whole that example represents the motion-structure of the simple hydrocarbon CH4, so of methane.

This picture right side at B for example shows a variation of oxygen-atom. Over the north-pole five eyes build a long-stretched ridge of left-turning swinging motions (red). At south-pole and cross to, a right-turning bow of only three eyes exists (blue). At both its ends only two docking-possibilities are remaining, again marked as grey faces H. As a whole thus the structure of well known H2O is represented.

Thus also molecules exist by quite normal aether, building local units with internal suitable movements. The ´chemical compound´ comes up only by the general external aether-pressure. Depending on ´fitting-shape´ if involved atoms the union is more or less stable (e.g. without alleged attracting- resp. rejecting-forces of supposed positive or negative charges etc.).

Inertia, Mass, Hardness, Energy-Constant
The atoms have no ´mass´ because existing by same aether like all around. Only the internal motion-structures are different. So these units are more or less ´bulky´ for shifting the location - and at the other hand they show comparable resistance against change of actual speed and direction of forward movement. Only the degree of complexity of internal motion-structures respective the resulting bulkiness-resistance determine the appearance of ´inertia´ and of ´mass´.

The atoms have no sharp border towards the environment. Also around the molecules the aether builds a layer of balancing movements. That aura is not totally rigid, but is just a smooth transition to ambient Free Aether. These ´motion-clusters´ are affected by the environment all times, e.g. resulting the known ´trembling´ of atoms. At center meet all ´vortex-spindles´ and motions there must run rather synchronous. So there is few space for additional movements, especially at ´weighty´ atoms. That´s the only reason why nucleus of atoms appear hard and like ´solid heavy particles´ and why they can not penetrate mutually. The hard core even mirrors radiations - and that´s why one even can register sections of internal movements - interpreted as quarks by the quantum-theories.

If first time one is confronted with these ideas, one can merely imaging motions could be possible within that gapless homogenous substance. If anywhere a motion should start, same time all around corresponding motions must be started. So starting one single atom or starting the earth-rotation would be faced by unlimited resistance. However also valid is the opposite: if anywhere the aether is moving, that ´kinetic energy´ never can got lost again. The constant of energies is the upmost physical law. However this can never really exist within our experienced world of ´elastic particles swimming within nothing´ - but only within the aether with properties exactly defined here.

Overlaying Motions
Today, the aether is nowhere standing still, but everywhere is swinging around (attentive readers register, that´s a new prerequisite not mentioned previously - like usually practiced thousand times at other theories). I can and will not discuss, why and how first time ´life was breathed´ into that piece of ´jelly´. Today however all aether is permanent swinging at quantum-small tracks by ultra-light-speed into all three directions same time. So only minimum changes of given motion-tracks are necessary for building upside local motion-pattern or motion-units wandering around.

Actually the motion variety is practically unlimited. Picture 08.21.08 shows only few possibilities, resulting from overlay of only two circled motions at only one plane. At A exists a circling swing-motion of radius R1 (blue). Around the end of that ´clock-hand´ a second motion is turning by radius R2 (red). The black aether-point AP is moving at a track as a result of the overlay. At B schematic is drawn, how lengths of both radius can vary. The turning-sense of both motions and also the turning-speed can be likely or different or changing. Upside discussed double-cones e.g. come up if one radius becomes longer and afterward shorter again.

Generally thus a circle-round movement can cross to an elliptical track. The tracks can build loops, which by themselves can swivel around a center, e.g. resulting ´rosette-tracks´ like sketched at D. An aether-point can walk from a narrow to a wide loop (vice versa), like marked at E. Even the smooth transition of turning-sense is possible without problem. Generally, all neighbouring aether-points still must behave analogue within that coherent medium. Nevertheless also within the narrow volumes of atoms, opposite swinging vortices can build different areas - inclusive areas between for docking of electrons or other atoms.

Tracks with Stroke
Quite important is the overlay-structure shown at C. The radius R1 is at least three times longer than R2. Both motions are turning likely sense. Both motions show likely angle-speed. Resulting is the general shape of track show at F.

During one half of time, an aether-point (black) is moving relative slow at a relative short and dented way, like marked at this picture from top downward along light-red sector G. During the second half of time, the aether-point flies further outside at a relative long way and thus relative fast, like here marked by dark-red sector H. The animation visualizes that motion process.

Within aether can not exist really uniform motions. Within aether all movements are multiple overlaying all times, into all three directions same time (while here the movements are drawn at only one plane). Each overlay inevitably has the consequence, each time-unit exists a short and a longer section of track, thus also different speeds respective permanent acceleration or deceleration.

At this picture at F, the maximum speed exists right-upward, like marked by thick arrow H. The speed is reduced at upside section of track. The aether-point is moving most slow left-downward, like marked by thin arrow G. All neighbouring aether-points must behave rather analogue, so the aether of this area shows a ´stroke-component´.

Because all aether is gapless and coherent, that stroke should run cross through whole universe. At picture 08.21.10 left side at A is sketched an alternative: these stroke-motions become a local limited pattern, when running all around at circle. There comes up a ´whirlpool´ of likely swinging movements. Still there is no aether ´floating´ far away. Here for example, only a little bit faster swinging occurs counter-clockwise, followed by a slower swinging-back into clockwise sense. All motions still occur at ´quantum-small´ dimensions, now however with a small asymmetry and still by ultra-light-speeds.

At this picture right side at B is sketched a whirlpool. At the border exists a smooth transition from Free Aether. Like marked by arrows, the stroke-component is weak at the border and increasing towards inside (see arrows C to D). The stroke can not rise unlimited, but near the center E must be reduced again (like at any potential vortex). Objects of that motion-pattern are locally limited, nevertheless can reach huge dimensions. They are known e.g. by the name of ´Milky Way´ or Sun-System respective ´ecliptic´. Merely know e.g. is the fact, also the ´Earth-System´ has a whirlpool-radius of probably one million kilometer.

No Mass-Attracting-Force
As mentioned upside, each atom is affected by its environment. The ´vortices-bundle´ of an atom thus also becomes deformed within an aether-whirlpool. The atom is stronger affected by the fast forward-stroke and some less by the soft back-swinging. That soft push makes all ´material particles´ drift around the center: the stars within Milky-Way, the planets around the sun, the moon around the earth.

Depending on strength of stroke component, these atom-accumulations fly faster near center and slower further outside, at any case at nearby circled tracks. Like a piece of wood within a flow, all celestial bodies are drifting pure passive within the whirlpools. No mass-attracting forces are demanded (and their pulling-function anyway is not to explain logical). Same time, all calculations about suggested necessary masses are no longer valid: the earth does not need a liquid iron-core, the sun and gas-planets have much less density and there are no huge pressures at their centers.

Dancing Satellites
The nature sciences present themselves as absolute exact disciplines, where e.g. Kepler and Newton and Einstein made important contributions for understanding of gravity. At astronomy however the calculations are somehow correct finally when ´dark matter´ - whatever it should be - is added. Nine times heavier masses than the known materia are demanded. So it´s stated beyond any doubts: the well known formula and ideas are worthless. Certainly, it´s not simple to calculate far out into universe for million of light-years. Directly at our near environment however exist clear ´lab-conditions´ for approval of that aether and these whirlpools. At picture 08.21.11 some involved facts are sketched (naturally not true to scale).

The geostationary satellites (GE, grey) are an important element of global communication. They fly at height of 42164 km from center of earth (E, blue) by speed of 3,073 km/s upside of equator, in turning sense of the earth. These parameters guarantee, the centrifugal forces are exactly corresponding to the gravity forces. So these satellites ´stand´ stationary at that spot at sky. Unfortunately they never behave ´law-abiding´. Naturally seasonal effects could exist depending on position of sun. Naturally could come up monthly fluctuations depending on moon. Also irregular variations could exist depending on strength of ´sun-winds´.

However it´s absolutely inconsistent with common physical laws when these geostationary satellites are dancing at special tracks day after day and in addition it´s depending on degree of latitude of their position. At 0 and 180 degree, the satellites are moving at an 8-shaped track, at 90 degree east and west they swing up and down (see middle of picture at B). Between these positions the motion-pattern are mixed. However the tracks are really exact only after ´delay´ of one hour (thus at 15 and 105 respective 75 and 165 degree). The daily repeated deviation from real geostationary location is ´only´ few hundreds kilometer respective about 9 degree. The satellite keep their determined position only by steady control maneuvers. When the energy is running off some years later, the satellites are parked some upside at ´graveyard-orbits´ - where their dancing goes on and on.

The earth is dancing around the sun just similar to theses satellites. Looking up from the earth (so by contrary view) the sun is drawing an analogue ´Analemma-Curve´. At this picture at C are marked the positions of sun at Greece, each day at same universal time. Depending on location and time, the curve shows an other shape (one must take in account by construction of sundials). The up-and-down is a result of inclination of the earth-axis. The back-and-forth is explained by the elliptic track of earth around sun - however the reality contradicts the Kepler- and Newton axioms and laws. For example, the apex of these tracks are positioned each later than summer- and winter-solstice.

Whirlpool of Sun and Earth
Both previous curves have a mutual cause: both satellites are drifting within overlaying whirlpools. The earth and the sun-system is turning periodical conform or contrary to the galactic movement. That´s the real and unique reason why the earth is flying by changing speed at irregular track through the space. The moon and artificial satellites at the one hand are drifting within the earth-whirlpool and periodically with or contrary to turning sense of sun-system. These facts are sketched at this picture at the middle at D. Some data are listed below at E.

The ecliptic is drawn as a dotted line between the sun (S, yellow) and the earth (E, blue). The earth-axis is inclined by about 23 degree, so also relative to the sun-whirlpool (SW). The moon (M, dark-grey) is drifting within the earth-whirlpool (EW, green line). The plane of its track is inclined by about 5 degree relative to the ecliptic. So the moon ´tumbles´ relative to the equatorial plane (AE, blue dotted line) by 18 to 28 degree. Also the geostationary satellites (GS, light-grey) are drifting within the earth-whirlpool and meander by previous 9 degree north and south of equator every day.

Naturally also the earth is affected by the stroke component of its whirlpool respective opposite: the earth rotates around its own axis only because representing the center of that ´whirlwind´. The radius of that system will be about one million kilometer. At about 384400 km these strokes are pushing the moon by about 1 km/s at its track around the earth. At height of about 40000 km that thrust might be most strong, where previous geostationary satellites float by some 3 km/s around the earth - without own drive nor attraction. From that height inward towards the earth-center, the turning-speed is reduced linear (like at any vortex). Finally the earth by itself is drifting around the sun by speed of about 30 km/s.

The whirlpools of earth and sun are overlaying. Whenever the moon or satellites are positioned between earth and sun, they are flying against turning sense of sun-whirlpool. For example, the moon there is moving forward by only 29 km/s and a satellite by only 27 km/s. Opposite, the speeds add at the ´night-side´ up to 31 and 33 km/s. The earth flies forward by its constant 30 km/s, while the moon and satellites at the ´inner side´ stay behind and overtake the earth again at their ´outside way´. This happens every day with the geostationary satellites. So by view from the steady rotating earth, they seam to run ahead and stay behind again.

Axis, Magnetic Field, Charge
So towards the ´sunny-side´ the aether-strokes are reduced and at the off-sun-side the strokes are added. The rigid earth however can turn only by steady speed. So the ambient aether ´drags and pulls´ permanent at the earth-surface. The earth can escape these unlike speeds only by an inclined axis. Only based on that general regularity of aether-whirlpools, the stars and planets show inclination of their axis relative to their whirlpools. Opposite and naturally, the earth-equator is pulling the ambient aether into its turning direction. Resulting is the generally S-shaped contour of all whirlpools (like already mentioned at upside picture 08.21.04 at E and F).

The aether can move most variable, while the atoms of earth within their fix compound can rotate only by steady speed. The vortices-bundles of atoms at earth-surface are moving most different relative to neighbouring aether: by maximum speed at equator-surface and by minium speed at pole regions. So the aether must balance controversial motions at spheres around the earth.

In addition, the ´particle-flow of sun-storms´ arrive at earth-spheres by differing intensity. So upside of earth-surface exist areas with very turbulent vortices (TW, marked red). These motion-pattern of aether normally are called ´earthly magnetic field´ (what´s not comparable with the alleged function of an electric generator).

A soft wind produces ´curling´ at a water-surface. Analogue these aether-turbulences around the earth are resulting ´motion-fields´ of more or less ordered structures, e.g. in shape of ´vortex-ropes´. Above the earth might lay a layer of humid air and might precipitate as dew at ground. Analogue the ´electric charges´ come up at spheres around the earth and sink down as well known negative charge of earth-surface (the importance is not registered up to now, e.g. as alternative energy-source).

Wondrous Miracles
For all these ´phenomena´ the common sciences have no real answer. Inspite of all formula and exact calculations the physical circumstances indeed still are ´real miracles´. Convincing and logic stringent explanations are finally achieved by assumption of an aether - however only by upside defined properties.

Only few aspects were mentioned here in brief, as examples for comprehensive considerations at twenty large chapters of my website respective threehundred book-pages concerning that ´Something Moving´. Some more ´physical wonders´ are discussed there and answers are presented e.g. for these questions:

Why rotate the stars and gas-planets at their equators faster than their polar regions? Why is the surface of Jupiter moving that chaotic manner? What´s the real cause of tides? Why is gravity no universal-wide effecting force? How come up individual gravities within near environment of celestial bodies? Where from comes the huge energies of atom-bombs? How functions ´emergence´ by view of the aether? What´s the function of the important ´aetheric membranes´? How could aliens build material for their Ufos? How can one travel long distances through the space? How can one tank ´life-energy´? How are working Sheldrake´s ´morphogenetic fields´? And some more.

The subject of aether was discussed by many philosophers and reseachers in most different aspects, nevertheless the aether remained somehow uncertain abstract fiction. Finally with these sharp definitions, ´my´ aether became ´substantial reality´. Naturally it´s rather demanding to put oneself into that quite new world-view. In return one can achieve logic understanding for many appearances. Here are mentioned only few problems as examples - and at this basis now everybody can search and find solutions for further problems.

Evert / 2011-05-05

08.22. Dancing Satellites 08. Something Moving