Alfred Evert 2003-03-05

02.01. Basis and Objectives

Starting Basis
At previous part 01. Introduction to the Aether-Physics and -Philosophy was worked out, it´s strongly to differ between real certain knowledge (and terms for naming these facts) and pure abstract terms (for logical handling and for communication). A theory may only be founded at real facts and (unspoken) further assumptions are to avoid.

By this understanding, as real certain knowledge is only valid, there is something existing and there is movement existing. This Something here is called aether and lastly only the ether can be in motion. The aether is single real substance, all other appearances are only the result of various aether movements.

As decisive criteria was worked out, the aether indeed is real a continuum. This means, the aether by itself is not build up by parts, but universe-wide it´s one coherent substance. The aether is completely gapless and undividable, so the aether is neither expandable nor compressible.

Most limited possibilities
Naturally, the number of possibilities for movements is rather limited by these criteria. So at the following, at first is shown which aether movement possibilities are not allowed - practically all we know of the common material word.

At sciences, many affects are only named by abstract term of ´field´, nevertheless (mostly unspoken) certain movements are assumed. Also these models of movements are not possible at the level of the aether.

However, it´s just that limitation which creates the essence of nature-laws (like any law is a restriction of all theoretical unlimited possibilities). The strong ordered behaviour of the nature couldn´t exist by the voluntary movement possibilities within a world-of-parts, but it´s determined by extremely restricted facilities of only one substance (aether) and its most restricting property (of indivisibility).

No doubt however, there is motion within the aether. Multiple kind of movements must really exist, so numberless most different occurrences are resulting of. On the other hand, there must exist one common basic kind of movements, of which other movements are deducible.

This movement must also exist there, where ´obviously´ no material occurrences exist resp. ´no´ physical forces are working - far outside at ´empty´ space. The movement pattern there - like anywhere - is called Free Aether resp. here is named ´universal movement´.

This motion can not be a simple one, otherwise one would know a major axis or a centre within the space. This basic movement must be ´holistic´, must turn around many axis resp. must show multiple centres. At earlier workouts, I called this kind of movement ´spiral clusters´ with motions are un-repeated processes, nearby ´chaotic´. The criteria of this movement pattern are spiral tracks, around tumbling axis, steady varying turning points and radius and speeds. Most adequate picture of these movement tracks might be the band of DNA.

Finally at later chapters I recognized, the chaotic motion of the Free Aether simply results from the multiply overlays of all radiations razing through the space. The distances of these motions thus will be rather short. In comparison, the ´coarse-matter´ appearances of the Bounded Aether are long distance motions, e.g. from the size of the electron up to galaxies. However, at the following chapters at first must be excluded all shapes of motions not possible within the aether.

02.02. No Shockwaves Aether-Physics and -Philosophy